HashiCorp’s Terraform is an easy to use solution for terraforming your Raspberry Pi infrastructure. It’s repeatable and simple to use. On your primary terraform node you need to execute the following: Setup Terraform for use Create the Terraform config file: Execute separate lines (update current system): Update hostname: Install LEMP components:
Setting up Terraform on Debian
Setting up Terraform for use on Debian ARM: Setting up Terraform for use on Ubuntu AMD64:
Change all Multipath Policies in PowerCLI
Clear SNMP logs from VMware host shell
Reverse proxy for Emby
Besides updating the IPs and, domain names this should plug and play right into a new nginx config file.
Configuring the RaspberryPi 3b as a LDS
First and foremost you need to update the current system and firmware after flashing the SD card and install the needed software Update the locale of the system Disable unnecessary hardware Setup Log2RAM to preserve the SD card R/W life Let’s start by updating the Deluge setup Edit the /etc/systemd/system/deluged.service and add the following Enable…